The ACEs Aware initiative applauds the recent enactment of Senate Bill (SB) 428, the ACEs Equity Act, which will significantly expand coverage for screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Basic Needs
Upcoming Webinar to Provide Tools to Support Students Experiencing Homelessness and Housing Insecurity
Join us for an upcoming webinar for Community College staff, faculty and administrators to learn about students experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity.
State Budget Includes Record-Level Investments in Youth Who Have Been in Foster Care or Homeless
State Budget Includes Record-Level Investments in Youth Who Have Been in Foster Care or Homeless
Access to Stimulus Payments for Young People
A webinar to dig deeper into how unaccompanied youth can access stimulus payments under the CARES Act, and
Back to Basics: College Students Experiencing Homelessness
Prior to the coronavirus outbreak, approximately 17% of college students experienced homelessness over the course of a year. In the wake of the outbreak and school closures, there is an even greater need to understand how to identify and support this vulnerable population.
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Allocates $9 Million to 14 Colleges Across the State to Help Homeless Students Find Shelter
Fourteen California community colleges are being awarded three-year annual grants of up to $700,000 each to help homeless and housing insecure students find reliable shelter.
California Higher Education Basic Needs Alliance (CHEBNA) 2020 Summit: Advancing Student Success
CSU, CCC and UC systems will host students, staff, faculty, and community partners to explore the efforts of advancing basic needs.
2020 Solutions for Individual Homeless Adults: A National Conference
The Solutions for Individual Homeless Adults conference will explore emerging perspectives.
California Community Colleges #RealCollege Survey Report (March 2019)
Nearly 40,000 students from 57 CCC participated in the #RealCollege Survey from the CCC Chancellor’s Office and The Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice in fall of 2016 and 2018. Seven in 10 respondents had experienced food insecurity or housing insecurity or homelessness in the last year.
Basic Needs Summary Report
In Fall 2017, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) conducted a survey of the CCC system to learn what supports are available to help with students’ basic needs.